for Loop
for Loop
Loops in any programming language are used to execute a block of code again and again until a base condition is achieved. As soon as a base condition is satisfied the loop is terminated and the control is returned to the main body of the program.
There are three types of loops in java:
- for loop
- while loop
- do……while loop
for loop:
Whenever a loop needs to be run a specific number of times, we use a for loop.
- initializeVariable: initialize a new variable or use an already existing one.
- testCondition: It checks the testing condition of the loop after each iteration and returns a Boolean value, which determines if the loop should be terminated or not.
- Increment/decrement: It is used to increment or decrement the variable after each iteraton.
We also have a special syntax for iterating through arrays and other collection objects, also called as a for-each loop.
And lastly we have an infinite for loop, wherein the expression always evaluates to true, hence running indefinitely.
The loop will keep on running until you halt the program.